New Worship Location on 8/25: Join us this Sunday at Green Lake Conference Center at 10:00am. There will be no services held at Belfry Hall this week.

Sunday Worship


New? Curious? Come over for dinner!

Welcome Dinner

Table Groups

Embraced by Jesus.

Embodying his presence.


Church of the Incarnation is an Anglican Church in Appleton, WI, engaged in planting a revival of Word and Sacrament infused with the power of the Holy Spirit.

Current Season

The Season of Epiphany focuses on how Jesus is revealed to be the king and savior of the nations; like a great light, piercing through a veil of thick darkness. Jesus reveals himself both through his power and his love. During Epiphany, we look to discover who Jesus is. This season runs from the Feast of Epiphany, January 6th, until the beginning of Lent with Ash Wednesday, March 5th.
Artwork by Devon Phillips, Church of the Resurrection