New Worship Location on 8/25: Join us this Sunday at Green Lake Conference Center at 10:00am. There will be no services held at Belfry Hall this week.


An Incarnation Discipleship Course

Roots focuses on Christian teaching and practice from an Anglican perspective. Following the church’s great tradition of catechesis, participants will explore the Bible, doctrine, worship, and life together.

  • Roots is open to anyone who seeks to reaffirm their discipleship and especially those who are new to Incarnation.
  • Roots is the first step for those who wish to receive Baptism (or parents who wish to have their children baptized) or Confirmation/Reception and so become members of Incarnation and the larger Anglican Church.

Participants commit to attend each session, engage with study resources and prayer outside of the course sessions, and for those wanting to explore baptism or become a confirmed member, meet with a staff member to complete the course.*

Part 1
Sunday, September 22, 4:00pm - 8:00pm
   |   OR
Saturday, October 5, 8:30am - 12:30pm

Part 2
Sunday, September 29, 4:00pm - 8:00pm
   |   OR
Saturday, October 12, 8:30am - 12:30pm

Cost: $30 per person to cover materials (scholarships available upon request)
Location: Belfry Hall
Childcare is available for the Oct. 5 and Oct. 12 sessions

*After completing Roots, participants will have the option to be baptized (or for parents, to baptize their children) or to become a confirmed member.
Our first-ever confirmation service will be Sunday, October 20!

What is Confirmation?

The ancient practice of confirmation is a beautiful gift that 1) roots us deeply in the life of Jesus and the local, global, and historic church; and 2) empowers us for ministry and mission. It’s a blessing and anointing of every person in the priesthood of all believers to give their lives for the Kingdom of God through the Church. Through preparation, prayer, and the “laying on of hands,” followers of Jesus are equipped and empowered to serve according to their God-given gifts and calling. In short, it’s like an ordination for mission!

Confirmation offers a chance to:
  • Receive a rich foundational gift and sacramental strengthening for our lifelong journey of following Jesus and inviting others to follow him.
  • Be prayed for and anointed by the bishop for more of the Holy Spirit in your life of faith and ministry in the Church and world.
  • Be connected to the Church around the world, throughout history, and in this local body, through this liturgical act.
  • Recommit yourself to your life in God and the mission of God.
  • Commit yourself to the calling of Incarnation to be a people embraced by Jesus, so that we can embody his presence in our homes, neighborhoods, and communities.

Confirmation FAQs

Why confirmation?
In the rite of confirmation, we are strengthened in the Holy Spirit through the laying on of hands (2 Timothy 1:6-7; Acts 8:14-17; Acts 19:6). We are also joined to a particular church body by receiving the laying on of hands by a bishop who represents the church. While not a sacrament in the same way as baptism and the eucharist, because it is not explicitly commanded by Jesus, confirmation is still a means by which we receive grace from God’s loving hands.

In confirmation, am I committing to be part of the Anglican church exclusively?
Not necessarily. The point of confirmation is connecting you to the broader Church throughout history and the world. Our part of that here at Incarnation is the Anglican church, but confirmation is something for the entire Church and connects us to the entire Christian family tree through our Anglican branch.

What exactly am I committing to?
At Incarnation, confirmed members are the primary ministers of the church, doing the work of ministry to build up the body of Jesus. Confirmation is a way to be “all in” with Jesus and his Church. It’s committing or recommitting our lives to following Jesus and being commissioned for ministry in the Church for the world. Confirmed members sign a commitment to uphold our biblical calling, the creeds, and our life together as the Body of Christ at Incarnation.

What if I’ve been confirmed already?
If you’ve been confirmed in the Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, or Episcopal Church, then your confirmation is received into our Anglican church family. You don’t need to be confirmed again, but the bishop will still lay hands on you and pray for a fresh empowerment from the Holy Spirit. Join Roots to prepare for reception.

What if I’ve been confirmed but then experienced a season away from the Lord and want to return publicly to Jesus and his Church?
In this case, you can reaffirm your confirmation–it’s the perfect way to return to your identity in Christ. Join Roots to prepare to reaffirm your faith.
Still have other questions? That’s ok! Contact Fr. Chad (