New Worship Location on 8/25: Join us this Sunday at Green Lake Conference Center at 10:00am. There will be no services held at Belfry Hall this week.


Should I create an account?
Yes! You need to create an account in order to use messaging, set blockout dates, and see your serving schedule. See below for more info on how to create your account.
Am I able to see my serving schedule and set 'blockout' dates on the app?
Yes! Tap your Avatar in the top right corner. As long as you're signed in, you'll see the 'Schedule' section. Tap 'Request' and you'll be able to accept or decline your scheduling requests. To set 'blockout' dates, tap 'Schedule' and then 'Manage availability.' Tap 'Add unavailable period' and then choose the date (for one Sunday, the start and end date will be the same).
Can I download sermons?
Yes! On the "Media" tab, click on the sermon you'd like to download. Right below the description you'll see some buttons - click "Download." You can now access your downloaded sermons in your profile.
Still have a question?
See the bottom of this page for a place to submit your question.

How do I create an account?

1. Go back to the home page. Click the person icon on the top right side of the screen.
2. Click "Log in or sign up."
3. Choose a method to create your account.

How does messaging work?

1. Once you have an account, you'll be able to access messaging through this icon. If you try to access messaging before creating an account, the app will prompt you to create an account first.
2.  On the "Conversations" tab, you'll see all the groups you are a part of. Some groups you'll be automatically added to, some you will need to join manually.
3. In order to join a group, switch to the "Discover" tab. Search for a group or browse the ones listed.
4.  At the bottom of Messaging (accessible from either the Conversations or the Discover tab), you'll see a blue plus button. Click this to start a direct message to an individual or a group.

Still have a question?
